vendredi 9 janvier 2009

Leaving do - 08/01 at Mason's Arms

Le bureau de Survey Sampling London, qui mérite bien son trophée du bureau le plus cool d'Europe, a dignement célébré mon avant-dernier jour hier, avec force discours, cadeaux et surtout bières au pub local! Consultez l'album ci-dessous pour voir les photos de la soirée.

The Coolest Office (we actually did win this award in a very serious, European competition in Holland in case anyone is wondering...), a.k.a SSI London, treated me to a speech, presents, and many pints of ales at the pub! A big thanks to them all.
PS to SSI London: of course, my kicking the Jenga off the table was all part of a well rehearsed plan, and not yet another proof of my clumsiness as some would say behind my back...

ALBUM SSI Leaving Do

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